Have a question about the club?
Thinking about becoming a member?
Contact one of the members below with your question.
Club Email - gtoofpa@gmail.com
President - Vacant
Vice President - Bob Jones (62straycat@gmail.com)
Treasurer - Dwayne Rissmiller (gtodr@ptd.net)
Secretary - Jason Daubert (jason.daubert@gmail.com)
Newsletter Editor - Jason Daubert (jason.daubert@gmail.com)
Webmaster - Jason Daubert (jason.daubert@gmail.com)
Board Members:
Bob Jones (62straycat@gmail.com)
Jason Daubert (jason.daubert@gmail.com)
Gwen Seltzer (610-767-1395)
Technical Advisors:
'64 - '65 Harry Santa (harry.santa@comcast.net)
'66 - '67 Ed Rowe (erowe6@comcast.net)
'68 - '70 Bob Jones (62straycat@gmail.com)
'71 - '72 Scott Silberg (junkyarddog116@msn.com)
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